Mint’s versatility offers fragrance and flavour in many applications, its characteristics making it a core ingredient for perfumers and flavour teams globally. Personal care, oral care, pharmaceutical, food, beverage and household industries all use mint oils for the natural characteristics they offer, the feeling of freshness and cooling or the aromatic notes of herby and earthy.

Working with a long-established farmer group located in the main mint growing area of Bareilly, 440 farmers from the villages of Khajuria and Bhujia have the ability to yield 35,000kg of Peppermint piperita Oil; 10,000kg Mint arvensis Oil and 4,000kg Spearmint Oil. This short supply chain from grower to end user is key in ensuring control of origin, harvest and production and we can offer both certified organic and 100% pure & natural conventional. The provenance and traceability assures ProTec Botanica’s position as a trusted source.